별빛 가득한 밤하늘로부터의 속삭임,
브리티시 포크/포크 록의 구도자 Donovan
도노반. 이 평범한 듯 흔치 않은 신비로운 이름이 어떤 이들에게 전해주는 감흥이란, 마치 밤하늘에 흩뿌려진 별들 틈새로 긴 꼬리를 끌며 떨어지는 별똥별을 바라볼 때의 가슴 벅참 또는 설렘과도 같다.
그의 40년이 넘는 긴 음악 여정과 수많은 결과물들은 하나의 거대한 탑을 이루어 누구와도 비교될 수 없는 아름답고 독특한 향기를 뿜어냈고, 그것은 적지 않은 이들의 꿈에 지워지지 않는 깊이로 각인되었다.
누군가가 그들에게 단 한 명의 뮤지션을 꼽으라고 말한다면 그들은 주저 않고 ‘도노반’이라는 이름을 생각해낸다.
그것은 이미 흔히 말하는 ‘가장 좋아하는...’의 차원을 넘어선다.
무엇이 그에게 그러한 카리스마를 부여하는 것일까? 그에 대한 단편적인 해답이 될 수 있는 한 일화가 그의 1968년도 앨범 [InConcert]에 소개되어 있는데, 이를 통해 우리는 당시의 팬들이 그에 대해 지녔던 감정의 일부를 엿볼 수 있다.
공연이 시작되기 전 사회자는 청중들을 향해 "도노반의 놀라운 현상에 오신 것을 환영합니다(Welcome to the phenomenon of
Donovan)."라고 말하며 그 ‘현상’에 대한 일화를 이렇게 설명한다.
“할리우드 보울(Hollywood Bowl)에서의 첫 콘서트에서 도노반이 무대에 나오자 비가 내리기 시작합니다. 그는 모두가 손뼉을 친다면 비가 그칠 것이라 말을 했고, 그 말에 사람들이 박수갈채를 보내자 비가 멈췄어요. 그리고 그가 무대를 떠나자 다시 비가 내리기 시작했죠...”
마치 스승의 놀라운 기적을 본 수피즘(이슬람 신비주의) 명상 수행자의 이야기를 듣는 것 같은 이 내용은 그의 음악에 담긴 신비로움과도 잘 맞아떨어진다.
그는 여느 가수들과는 다른 비범함을 지닌 ‘내면의 빛의 전달자’였고 영적(靈的)인 탁월함을 드러내는 현자(賢者)요 또 구도자(求道者)이며 훌륭한 음유시인이었다.
도노반의 음악적 포용력과 폭의 범위가 얼마나 되는지는, 이후 그의 작품을 리메이크 한 200명 이상의 아티스트/그룹들과,
그의 수많은 작품들에서 그와 함께 작업한 뮤지션들의 이름을 통해서 충분히 알 수가 있다.
열 여덟 장의 정규 스튜디오 앨범들에서 볼 수 있는 낯익은 이름들을 나열하면 다음과 같다.
지미 페이지(Jimmy Page), 존 폴 존스(John Paul Jones), 존 보냄(John Bonham), 숀 필립스(Shawn Phillips), 대니 톰슨(Danny Thompson), 폴 매카트니(Paul McCartney), 앨런 홀즈워스(Allan Holdsworth), 론 우드(Ron Wood), 니키 홉킨스(Nicky Hopkins), 제프 벡(Jeff Beck), 그레이엄 내쉬(Graham Nash), 크리스 스페딩(Chris Spedding), 코지 파웰(Cozy Powell), 데이빗 포스터(David Foster), 수지 콰트로(Suzi Quatro), 버피 세인트 마리(Buffy Sainte-Marie) 등등. 놀랍지 않은가.
그 이름만으로 가슴 설레는 전설적인 록/포크의 거장들이 도노반이라는 음악에 맛깔스런 감미료의 역할을 하고 있는 것이다.
그의 음악에는 여기 언급된 연주인들의 수만큼이나 다양한, 단순히 음악에만 국한되지 않은 요소들이 녹아들어 있다.
우디 거스리(Woody Guthrie)와 밥 딜런(Bob Dylan)의 영향이 강하게 드러나는 데뷔 초기의 프로테스트 포크(protest folk) 성향은 점차 어느 누구와도 차별되는 그 특유의 색채를 띠며, 여느 브리티시 포크/포크 록 뮤지션들과도 다른 독특한 사운드를 특징으로 하게 된다.
그가 영향을 받았던 인물들은 버디 홀리(Buddy Holly), 우디 거스리, 밥 딜런, 레너드 코헨(Leonard Cohen,) 비틀즈(Beatles), 킹크스(Kinks)의 레이 데이비스(Ray Davies),
펜탱글(Pentangle)의 버트 잰쉬(Bert Jansch)와 대니 톰슨, 제프 벡, 지미 페이지 등의 록/포크 뮤지션들에서부터 마일스 데이비스(Miles Davis), 빌리 할리데이(Billie Holiday), 니나 시몬(Nina Simone) 등의 재즈 뮤지션, 그리고 윌리엄 버틀러 예이츠(William Butler Yeats), 루이스 캐롤(Lewis Carroll), 루디야드 키플링(Rudyard Kipling), 딜런 토마스(Dylan Thomas), 알렌 긴스버그(Allen Ginsberg), 잭 케루악(Jack Kerouac)과 헤르만 헤세(Herman Hesse) 등의 문인(文人)들은 물론 프랑코 제피렐리(Franco Zeffirelli), 오슨 웰즈(Orson Welles) 등의 영화 감독, 그의 ‘스승’인 마하리시 마헤쉬(Maharishi Mahesh)와 중국의 노자(老子)에까지 이른다.
그렇게 그의 음악적, 정신적 근간을 이루는 자양분들은 포크와 록을 바탕으로 하는 그의 음악에 사이키델릭, 재즈, 블루스, 클래식, 팝, 민속음악과 레게 등 여러 장르의 특징들의 결합으로 표출되어 나왔다.
사실 국내의 일반 팝 팬들에게 그의 위상은, 누구나 귀에 들으면 고개를 끄덕일 ‘I Like You’나 ‘Lalena’, ‘Atlantis’ 등의 감미로운 멜로디와 목소리로 기억되는 올드 팝 가수 정도로 인식되고 있다.
정말 위의 곡들에서 그의 목소리는 참 달콤하고 부드럽게 들린다.
따사로운 가을 햇살을 받아 반짝이는 보기 좋은 솜사탕의 모양새와도 같이 기분 좋은 울림을 이룬다.
하지만 도노반이라는 아티스트가 행했던 음악적 실험들은 단순한 부드러움을 넘어서는 기묘함과 독특함을 담고 있었고, 그것은 늘 ‘대중적’이라는 것과 어느 정도의 거리를 유지하고 있었다.
그의 모든 앨범들에서 예외 없이 들리는 정형(定型)을 벗어난 멜로디와 다소 뒤틀린 듯한 감성, 강한 스코틀랜드 식 액센트로 일관되는 발음 등은 귀에 쉽게 달라붙는 사운드와는 다른 이질적인 느낌을 전해준다.
언뜻 조용한 발라드 같지만 곡의 전개가 이루는 분위기는 지독하게 몽환적이다.
주 선율의 진행은 늘 평범한 곡들에 익숙한 귀의 예측을 무시한다.
그가 전하는 메시지는 다분히 (당시 서구의 젊은이들을 흠뻑 취하게 했던) 초월명상(transcendental meditation) 또는 인도의 요가 수행자들의 의식과 세계를 지배하는 신비주의적 색채를 강하게 띠고 있다.
때문에 그의 노랫말은 때로 한편의 선문답(禪問答)을 보는 듯한 애매함으로 일관하기도 하며 때로는 낭만주의의 전통을 이은 19세기 상징시인들의 작품을 연상케 하는 몽롱함을 드러내기도 한다.
그리고 그 선율, 꿈결같은 선율에 어우러지는 그의 향기로운 목소리는, 그 목소리가 아니면 부조화와 혼돈의 나열일 것만 같이 생각될 정도로 그 음악들에 가장 어울리는 색깔을 띠고 있는 것이다.
‘도노반 현상’의 실체는 바로 이런 것이 아닐까?
도노반 필립 리치(Donovan Phillip Leitch)는 1946년 5월 10일, 스코틀랜드의 수도인 글래스고에서 태어났다.
그에 대한 언급이 나올 때면 으레 빠지지 않는 이 ‘스코틀랜드 출신’이라는 꼬리표는 그의 이름에서부터 드러나는, 그리고 그 자신 음악이 상당 부분 기원을 두고 있는 ‘켈트(Celt)’에 대한 강조인 것처럼 여겨진다.
물론 (그가 열 살 때 고향을 떠나 런던의 남부 해트필드 지방으로 이주해 살았다는 사실을 생각하지 않더라도) 그의 음악에서 켈트의 민속음악적 요소를 발견해내기란 쉽지 않은 일이지만, 그가 어린 시절 고향에서 쉽게 접했던 결혼식이나 전통 축제 등에서 불리고 연주된 스코틀랜드와 아일랜드의 전통음악으로부터의 영향을 배제할 수는 없을 것이다.
그가 사람들로부터 본격적인 주목을 받게 된 계기는 당시(1965년) 인기를 끌던 영국 1TV의 음악 쇼프로그램인 '레디 스테디 고(Ready Steady Go)'에 출연하면서부터다.
런던 북부 세인트 올번스의 술집 등지에서 노래하던 그의 재능은 제프 스티븐스(Geoff Stephens)와 피터 이든(Peter Eden)이라는 두 매니저의 눈에 띄었고(이들은 도노반의 초기 두 앨범들에 프로듀서로 참여한다), 그들의 주도하에 데모 테이프를 녹음하게 된다.
거기에는 팀 하딘(Tim Hardin)의 'London Town'과 버피 세인트 마리의 'Codine' 등과 같은 곡들이 포함되어 있었다.
'레디 스테디 고'의 영향력 있는 프로듀서인 엘칸 알렌(Elkan Allen)은 이 테이프를 듣고 도노반의 출연을 결정한다.
그의 최초의 히트곡인 'Catch The Wind'가 이 프로를 통해 소개된 이래 도노반은 이후 오랜 기간 동안 자신의 풍요로운 감성들을 한껏 드러내며 신비롭고 아름다운 선율을 만들어낸다.
열 여덟이라는 어린 나이였지만 그는 사람들의 관심을 끄는 매력을 지니고 있었다.
곧바로 '파이(Pye)' 레이블과 계약을 맺은 그는 전통 포크의 향을 듬뿍 담은 데뷔 앨범 [What's Bin Did And What's Bin Hid](1965)를 발표한다.
도노반은 (특히 미국의) 포크 음악이 지니는 정치적인 색채와 전통적인 스타일의 고수에 대해 반감을 가지고 있었다.
동양철학과 명상, 진보적인 예술, 그리고 세계 각지의 민속음악들에 커다란 관심을 가지고 있던 그는 팝이나 록을 통해 붓다의 가르침을 전할 수 있다고 생각했다.
하지만 문제는 이국적인 음악의 향취와 철학적인 메시지가 담긴 음악을 일반 대중들이 받아들일 수 있을까 하는 것이었다.
애니멀스(Animals)와 허먼스 허미츠(Herman's Hermits) 등의 히트곡들을 제작했던 프로듀서 미키 모스트(Mickie Most)는 도노반의 그러한 아이디어에 큰 호기심을 가졌고, 결국 그는 세 번째 앨범 [Sunshine Superman](1966)부터 이후 발표되는 여러 앨범들의
프로듀스를 맡게 된다.
1969년 3월, 그 동안의 히트 싱글들을 모아놓은 편집 앨범 [Greatest Hits]가 발매된다. 빌보드 차트 4위를 기록한 이 앨범에서 주목되는 곡은 데뷔작의 'Catch The Wind'를 새롭게 편곡하여 부른 작품이라 할 수 있다.
오리지널 곡의 텁텁한 느낌은 보다 슬프고 서정적인 감성으로 탈바꿈하였으며 지금까지도 그의 가장 아름다운 발라드 중의 하나로 자리한다.
정규 앨범에 포함되지 않았던 'There Is A Mountain'과 목가적인 분위기의 싱글 'Lalena' 역시 이 컴필레이션을 돋보이게 하는 작품이다.
70년대에 들어서며 도노반이라는 이름은 대중들의 기억 속에서 점차 사라지기 시작한다.
사실 70년대 이후의 도노반의 작품들은 뛰어난 음악성과 실험성, 서정적인 아름다움에도 불구하고 상업적인 성공과는 거리가 멀었다. 변화한 시대와 사람들의 음악 취향에 맞춰가지 못했던 것이다.
개인적으로 겪어야 했던 힘든 상황들 또한 그를 더욱 궁지로 몰아넣었다.
60년대의 수많은 히트곡들과 높은 앨범 판매량으로 커다란 부를 쌓고 있었지만, 악명 높은 영국 정부의 세금 정책은 그로 하여금 고국을 떠나 세계 투어를 계획하게 했다. 하지만 12개월간의 타지 생활로 인해 그는 정신적으로나 육체적으로 극도의 피로를 맛봐야 했고, 결국 영국으로 돌아올 수밖에 없었다.
당연히 막대한 세금을 물어야 했고 그로 인한 혼란은 도노반의 명예와 삶 자체의 기반을 뒤흔들었다.
이때 그의 영혼에 단비와도 같은 역할을 했던 사람이 바로 린다 로렌스(Linda Lawrence)다.
이미 5년 전 도노반의 마음을 사로잡았던 그녀는 이제 영원한 그의 동반자가 된다.
이들 둘은 결혼을 하여 아일랜드로 이주해 새로운 가정을 꾸몄다.
린다와의 사랑, 생활의 안정과 마음의 평온한 상태로 인해 도노반은 새로운 힘을 얻게 되었다.
이후의 여러 걸작들이 나올 수 있게 된 바탕에는 린다 로렌스라는 여인이 자리하고 있었던 것이다.
1970년, 프로듀서인 미키 모스트와 결별한 도노반은 라이브와 스튜디오 녹음을 위해 자신의 밴드 오픈 로드(Open Road)를 결성하여
6월의 프로그레시브 뮤직 페스티벌(Bath Festival Of Progressive Music)과 8월에 있었던 와이트섬 페스티벌(Isle Of Wight Festival)에 참여한다.
1972년, ‘쉘부르의 우산(Les Parapluies De Cherbourg)’으로 유명한 프랑스의 감독 자크 드미(Jacques Demy)의 영화 ‘피리 부는 사나이(The Pied Piper)’(1971)에 주연 배우로 출연했던 도노반에게 새로운 영화의 의뢰가 들어온다.
‘로미오와 줄리엣(Romeo And Juliet)’의 감독 프랑코 제피렐리의 또 다른 걸작인 ‘브라더 선 시스터 문(Brother Sun Sister Moon)’의 음악을 맡게 된 것이다.
12세기 이탈리아 아시지의 성자 프란체스코(St. Francesco)의 이야기를 담은 이 뛰어난 작품에서 도노반은 멋진 영상에 어울리는 뛰어난 음악을 선보였다.
영화의 시작과 함께 신비로운 안개를 뚫고 은은히 퍼지는 ‘Long Ago Lazy Day’나 아름다운 들판을 헤매는 젊은 프란체스코의 마음을 표현해낸 ‘On This Lovely Day’ 등 지극히 아름다운 노래들과 함께 탁월한 영상이 주는 감동은 한없이 커진다.
이후 별다른 활동이 없던 그는 미키 모스트와 재결합을 하고 새로운 앨범 [Cosmic Wheels](1973)를 발표한다.
꾸준히 앨범을 발표하며 활동을 한 그는 앨범 [Donovan](1977)을 끝으로 잠시 휴지기에 들어간다. 1980년 8월, 스코틀랜드의 에딘버러에서 개최된 에딘버러 페스티벌(Edinburgh Festival)에 출연한 이후 새로운 앨범 [Neutronica]가 발매된다.
독일과 프랑스에서만 발매된 이 앨범은 평범한 사운드로 일관되어 다소 실망을 안겨줬다.
이듬해인 1981년에 그는 베이시스트 대니 톰슨과 색소폰 주자 토니 로버츠(Tony Roberts), 그리고 드러머 존 스티븐스(John Stephens)와 새로운 밴드를 결성한다. 이들과 함께 한 또 하나의 평범한 작품 [Love Is only Feeling] 역시 독일에서 발매되었다.
1984년 작품인 [Lady Of The Stars]는 몇 곡의 신곡과 더불어, [Donovan]의 수록곡인 'Lady Of The Stars'를 비롯하여 초기 히트곡인
'Sunshine Superman'과 'Season Of The Witch' 등을 다시 연주하여 담은 앨범이다.
이 앨범으로 도노반의 80년대는 실질적으로 마감된다.
새로이 주목을 받게 된 그의 앨범은 1990년에 발표한 [Donovan Rising]이다.
영국에서는 [The Classics Live]라는 제목으로 발매된 이 작품은 그가 1982년에서 1986년 사이에 행한 월드 투어에서 발췌한 열 여덟 곡을 담고 있다.
1992년에는 도노반의 모든 히트곡들과 데모 버전, 미발표곡 등 44곡을 담은 박스 세트 [Troubadour: The Definitive Collection 1964-1976]가 발매되었다.
1996년에는 그의 성숙한 매력과 함께 멋진 재능이 녹슬지 않았다는 사실을 드러낸 열 여덟 번째 앨범 [Sutras]를 발표하여 도노반을 그리는 많은 이들을 기쁘게 했다.
이후에도 그는 어린이를 위한 앨범 [Pied Piper](2002), 그리고 색다른 사운드를 선보인 [Beat Cafe](2004) 등의 앨범 발표와 꾸준한 공연 등 활발한 활동을 펼치고 있다....
I Like You
- Sunshine Superman (Version I) [3:14]
- Legend of A Girl Child Linda [6:53]
- Three King Fishers [3:14]
- Ferris Wheel [4:14]
- Bert's Blues [3:58]
- Season of The Witch [4:57]
- The Trip [4:33]
- Guinevere [3:38]
- The Fat Angel [4:11]
- Celeste [4:08]
On the back cover: "dedicated to the bearer of the eastern gift."
Mellow Yellow
- Mellow Yellow [3:43] (3:47)
- Writer In The Sun [4:30] (4:33)
- Sand and Foam [3:18] (3:19)
- The Observation [2:23] (2:23)
- Bleak City Woman [2:25] (2:24)
- House of Jansch [2:40] (2:43)
- Young Girl Blues [3:49] (3:45)
- Museum [2:57] (2:54)
- Hampstead Incident [4:41] (4:41)
- Sunny South Kensington [3:47] (3:48)
Sunshine Superman
(U.K. Version)
territory: U.K.
release date: June 1967
label: Pye Records
catalogue number(s):
chart info:
duration: 48.39 ???
producer(s): Mickie Most
comment: compilation of U.S. albums Sunshine Superman and Mellow Yellow
CD re-issue: U.K.; February 1991; Beat Goes on Records; BGOCD 68 [LP - BGOLP 68 - del] [MC - BGOMC 68 - del]
Side 1
- Sunshine Superman (Version I)
- Legend of a Girl Child Linda
- The Observation
- Guinevere (Version I)
- Celeste (Version I)
- Writer in the Sun (Version I)
- Season of the Witch (Version I)
- Hampstead Incident
- Sand and Foam
- Young Girl Blues (Version I)
- Three Kingfishers
- Bert's Blues
Because of the delay in releasing Donovan's albums in the U.K., in order to keep up with his new work, the American albums Sunshine Superman and Mellow Yellow were condensed into a single compilation.
U.K. fans missed out on three songs from the proper Sunshine Superman release: Ferris Wheel, The Trip (although this was released as the B-side to the Sunshine Superman single) and the studio version of The Fat Angel (a live version was issued on Donovan in Concert. They also were denied five songs from Mellow Yellow: Mellow Yellow (although this was released as a single), Bleak City Woman, House of Jansch, Museum and Sunny South Kensington.
I do not regard this as part of the official canon because there's nothing on this you can't have if you own the U.S. albums. The only items of real worth on the U.K. version is the superb artwork by Mick Taylor and Sheena McCall and the little poem by Donovan.
The six missing tracks could've easily been slipped out on a special EP, with one on the B-side of There is a Mountain (replacing Sand and Foam which was released on this album). I don't really understand why Pye used old material on their dull EP releases instead of using songs already in the can that had not been heard by the U.K. public. At least the album was pretty long for those days - twelve cuts amounting to around forty-eight minutes was quite generous.
The front cover is mainly white, with a cool cartoon drawing of lots of characters. Some are from the songs, some from popular comics - Superman, Batman and Spiderman are all in there - and quite a few are from myths, legends and children's books like Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. The animals and people are arranged to make a big S, forming the initial letter of both words of the name of the album.
The back cover is green, with a large yellow and black `Sunshine Superman' logo, a poem: I thank the Queen of Living Things and some credits (where the songs on the album are charmingly referred to as sonnets).
- on the back cover:
- Bert's Blues is listed as Berts Blues
- `Acoustic' (as in guitar) is spelt `Accoustic'
- Bert's Blues is listed as Berts Blues
Blue label with black text
Pye Records logo
Record: NPL.18181
Side 1: NPL.18181-A
runout groove on my copy: NPL 18181A-1 (triangle)F and AD and KT
Side 2: NPL.18181-B
runout groove on my copy: NPL 18181B-1 (triangle)F and KT and AM and I (with the last two diametrically opposite each other)
- the Three Kingfishers problem
Wear Your Love Like Heaven
- Wear Your Love Like Heaven (2:26)
- Mad John's Escape (2:16)
- Skip-A-Long Sam (2:23)
- Sun (3:14)
- There Was A Time (1:59)
- Oh Gosh (1:52)
- Little Boy In Corduroy (2:34)
- Under The Greenwood Tree (1:55) [words: William Shakespeare/music: Leitch]
- The Land of Doesn't Have To Be (2:33)
- Someone Singing (2:44)
Wear Your Love Like Heaven - the first record - was a particular dodgy buy because two of the songs had just been released as a single to support the album, leaving just under twenty minutes of new material.
For Little ones
- Song of The Naturalist's Wife (2:52)
- The Enchanted Gypsy (3:19)
- Voyage Into The Golden Screen (3:13)
- Isle of Islay (2:21)
- The Mandolin Man and His Secret (3:30)
- Lay of The Last Tinker (1:47)
- The Tinker and The Crab (2:52)
- Widow With Shawl (A Portrait) (2:59)
- The Lullaby of Spring (3:24)
- The Magpie (1:29)
- Starfish-On-The-Toast (2:43)
- Epistle To Derroll (5:45)
A Gift from a Flower to a Garden
territory: U.K.
release date: 16th April 1968 ???
label: Pye Records
catalogue number(s):
chart info:
territory: U.S.
release date: December 1967 ???
label: Epic Records
catalogue number(s):
chart info:
duration: 59.24 ???
producer(s): Mickie Most
comment: Donovan's 5th studio album
Side 1
- Wear Your Love Like Heaven (Version I) (2.26)
- Mad John's Escape (2.16)
- Skip-a-long Sam (2.23)
- Sun (3.13)
- There was a Time (1.59)
- Oh Gosh (1.42)
- Little Boy in Corduroy (2.33)
- Under the Greenwood Tree (1.53)
- [words by William Shakespeare/music by Donovan Leitch]
- The Land of Doesn't Have to be (2.32)
- Someone Singing (2.44)
- Song of the Naturalist's Wife (2.50)
- The Enchanted Gypsy (3.15)
- Voyage into the Golden Screen (3.10)
- Isle of Islay (Version I) (2.20)
- The Mandolin Man and his Secret (3.28)
- Lay of the Last Tinker (1.45)
- The Tinker and the Crab (2.50)
- Widow with Shawl (A Portrait) (Version I) (2.57)
- The Lullaby of Spring (Version I) (3.22)
- The Magpie (1.26)
- Starfish-on-the-toast (2.38)
- Epistle to Derroll (5.42)
A masterpiece, considered by many to be Donovan's finest hour.
The double album comes in a dark blue two-pieced box. The front cover has a lilac cover with a multi-coloured picture of Donovan standing on the coast amongst the rushes, adorned in livery, clutching at a bouquet of peacock feathers. on the inside of the front box are the lyrics to the first album printed on a light green background, and a poem from Donovan: Oh, what a Dawn Youth is Rising to.
From this we learn the meaning of the title of the album. The `gift' is the album, more specifically the message of love intertwined between the lines of the songs and melody. Donovan himself is the `flower' and is presenting his latest work to all the other flowers - the people of the world - who make up the `garden'.
The inside of the back box has a murky green-brown background and a picture of Donovan sitting in a boat on a lilly covered river. Around the photograph are drawings of children playing and the title `For Little ones'. The back of the set has another photo, this time of Donovan and the Maharishi sitting, holding hands. The caption reads: `His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and the Author'.
Included inside is an orange folder containing twelve inserts for the twelve songs on the second record. Each is a slightly different colour and has the lyrics with a drawing illustrating the song. Every one is a beautiful interpretation of Don's poetry. You can see them in miniature form here.
The illustrations are by Mick Taylor and Sheena McCall and the photographic design is by Karl Ferris, all under the art direction of Sid Maurer. Ashley Kozak served as executive producer.
(See also CD re-issue notes.)
- the U.K. record label incorrectly implies that Under the Greenwood Tree is composed entirely by Donovan but the words are by William Shakespeare
- the U.K. record label lists Someone Singing as Someone's Singing
Blue box set in separate halves with lyric inserts
Light blue label with black text
Pye Records logo
First record: NPL 20000/1
Side 1: NPL 20000-A
runout groove on my copy: NPL20000A-1*G and KT and I
Side 2: NPL 20000-B
runout groove on my copy: NPL20000B-1*G and KT and R and 1
(with the last two diametrically opposite each other)
Second record: NPL 20000/2
Side 1: NPL 20000-C
runout groove on my copy: NSPL 20000C-1*G (with the S totally scribbled out) and KT and O and 2
(with the last two diametrically opposite each other)
Side 2: NPL 20000-D
runout groove on my copy: NPL 20000D-1*G and KT and U and 1
(with the last two diametrically opposite each other)
Donovan In Concert
- Isle of Islay (4:21)
- Young Girl Blues (6:09)
- There Is A Mountain (3:04)
- Poor Cow (3:28)
- a.k.a. Poor Love
- Celeste (5:15)
- The Fat Angel (3:24)
- Guinevere (2:42)
- Widow With Shawl (A Portrait) (3:34)
- listed on the original stereo UK record label as Widow With A Shawl (A Portrait)
- Preachin' Love (5:03)
- The Lullaby of Spring (3:08)
- Writer In The Sun (4:30)
- Pebble and The Man (3:10)
- Rules and Regulations (2:54)
- Mellow Yellow (4:18)
Donovan tells us Poor Cow is actually called Poor Love because it was when the performance was recorded but by the time this record was released, it had appeared in its studio version as Poor Cow on the B-side of Jennifer Juniper. Pebble and The Man would later be re-worked as Happiness Runs, and this version features some interesting lyric differences.
The special track is the previously unheard Rules and Regulations which would not pop up on any other legal release. The album was very long for its time (only Dylan was releasing LPs as lengthy).
Isle of Islay has a spoken introduction by someone quite silly really who tries to set the mood by telling a gorgeous (or incredibly daft, depending on your view) anecdote about Donovan and rain. He then introduces Don's father who finally gets round to starting the concert.
I love the new arrangement of Young Girl Blues and revel in the solos on Preachin' Love. The complete album is very mellow.
The Hurdy Gurdy Man
- Hurdy Gurdy Man [3:13] (3:13)
- Peregrine [3:37] (3:34)
- The Entertaining of A Shy Girl [1:39] (1:39)
- As I Recall It [2:07] (2:06)
- Get Thy Bearings [2:49] (2:46)
- Hi It's Been A Long Time [2:33] (2:32)
- West Indian Lady [2:17] (2:14)
- Jennifer Juniper [2:40] (2:40)
- The River Song [2:14] (2:14)
- Tangier [4:12] (4:09)
- A Sunny Day [1:55] (1:52)
- The Sun Is A Very Magic Fellow [2:45] (2:42)
- Teas [2:32] (2:29)
Hi It's Been A Long Time eventually surfaced in December 1990 on The Collection and The Entertaining of A Shy Girl and As I Recall It finally appeared in February 1991 on The Trip but the U.K. had to wait for Four Donovan Originals before getting the rest (if you don't count ordering anything on import).
Donovan's Greatest Hits
- 1:
- Epistle To Dippy (3:09)
- Sunshine Superman (Version III) (4:31)
- There Is A Mountain (2:33)
- Jennifer Juniper (2:40)
- Wear Your Love Like Heaven (2:23)
- Season of The Witch (4:54)
- Mellow Yellow (3:38)
- Colours (Version III) (4:10)
- Hurdy Gurdy Man (3:16)
- Catch The Wind (Version III) (5:02)
- Lale? (2:54)
- Barabajagal [3:23] (3:18)
- (with The Jeff Beck Group, Lesley and Madeleine)
- Superlungs My Supergirl [2:38] (2:39)
- Where Is She [2:47] (2:46)
- Happiness Runs [3:25] (3:24)
- a.k.a. Pebble and The Man
- I Love My Shirt [3:17] (3:17)
- The Love Song [3:14] (3:13)
- To Susan on The West Coast Waiting [3:11] (3:12)
- Atlantis [4:59] (5:00)
- Trudi [2:23] (2:24)
- (with The Jeff Beck Group, Lesley and Madeleine)
- Pamela Jo [4:25] (4:25)
A Mickie Most Production
Photography: Sid Maurer
Design: Donovan and Sid
at the "Cottage", England
Open Road
territory: U.K.
release date: August/September? 1970
label: Dawn Records
catalogue number(s):
chart info:
territory: U.S.
release date: 1970 ???
label: Epic Records
catalogue number(s):
chart info:
duration: 42.19 ???
producer(s): Donovan Leitch
comment: Donovan's 8th studio album
Side 1
- Changes (2.53)
- Song for John (2.50)
- Curry Land (4.43)
- Joe Bean's Theme (3.45)
- People Used To (3.45)
- Celtic Rock (3.45)
- Riki Tiki Tavi (Version I) (2.50)
- Clara Clairvoyant (2.43)
- Roots of Oak (4.55)
- Season of Farewell (3.22)
- Poke at the Pope (2.45)
- New Year's Resovolution (4.45)
The gatefold album cover opens up to show a long picture of Open Road: John Carr, Donovan Leitch and Mike Thomson from left to right. It's not the most flattering picture you could take. The names of the members are printed in orange typewriter face underneath each of them and a drawing of a sun rising (drawn by Donovan?) is positioned in the bottom right hand corner of the front cover.
The back has the title of the album fancifully drawn in brown and the track listing appears below this. The inside of the gatefold cover is a dark green and the lyrics to the songs are typed, with some pictures of additional players and session information on the far right hand side.
Littered throughout the lyrics to this album, are little messages, probably from Donovan himself. They appear after the song titles, so presumably are meant to be notes to accompany the songs.
- Before the song Changes, an introduction:
we did not know what to expect
upon the open road but we began here
- Before the song Celtic Rock, a little poem:
ye sons of britain
who once were free
ye now are slaves to factory
those who walk the path of mole
expect in time to kill thy soul
- After the song Celtic Rock, a question:
creative intelligence has been crushed
by industrial uniformity? - Before the song Roots of Oak:
driving across the highlands
of scotland in our land rover
The photography is by David Mills, and the art and design by Sid Maurer. Curiously, the U.K. record labels bear the credit `An Open Road Production' and on the inside cover - `Open Road Production'.
This album has not been re-issued on CD, so at the moment, the only tracks that are available on CD are Changes, Song for John, Riki Tiki Tavi, Clara Clairvoyant and Roots of Oak. The first two on The Collection (now deleted) and the last three on Troubadour.
- on the U.K. record label, Joe Bean's Theme is listed as Joe Bean's Song
Gatefold sleeve
Red-orange label with black text
Dawn Records logo
Record: DNLS 3009
Side 1: DNLS.3009-A
runout groove on my copy: DNLS 3009 - A1 and A and 1
(with the second two diametrically opposite each other)
Side 2: DNLS.3009-B
runout groove on my copy: DNLS 3009 - B1 and A and 1
(with the second two diametrically opposite each other)
H.M.S. Donovan
territory: U.K.
release date: July 1971
label: Dawn Records
catalogue number(s):
chart info:
duration: 74.10 ???
producer(s): Donovan (except Homesickness - Mickie Most and Donovan)
comment: Donovan's 9th studio album - not released in any other territory
Side 1
- The Walrus and the Carpenter (8.34)
- [poem by Lewis Carroll/music by Donovan Leitch]
- Jabberwocky (2.38)
- [poem by Lewis Carroll/music by Donovan Leitch]
- The Seller of Stars (2.58)
- [poem by Thora Stowell/music by Donovan Leitch]
- Lost Time (2.30)
- [poem by Ffrida Wolfe/music by Donovan Leitch]
- The Little White Road (2.40)
- [poem by Thora Stowell/music by Donovan Leitch]
- The Star (1.38)
- [poem: anon./music by Donovan Leitch]
- Coulter's Candy (1.41)
- [poem: anon./music by Donovan Leitch]
- The Road (1.00)
- [poem by Lucy Diamond/music by Donovan Leitch]
- Things to Wear (1.05)
- [poem by Agnes Grozier Herbertson/music by Donovan Leitch]
- The Owl and the Pussy-cat (2.21)
- [poem by Edward Lear/music by Donovan Leitch]
- Homesickness (2.28)
- Fishes in Love (1.00)
- Mr. Wind (2.39)
- Wynken Blynken and Nod (2.17)
- [poem by Eugene Field/music by Donovan Leitch]
- Celia of the Seals (3.00)
- The Pee Song (2.06)
- The Voyage of the Moon (5.14)
- The Unicorn (0.50)
- Lord of the Dance (3.36)
- [words and music by Sydney Carter]
- Little Ben (1.39)
- Can Ye Dance (1.29)
- In an Old Fashioned Picture Book (3.10)
- The Song of Wandering Aengus (4.41)
- [poem by W.B. Yeats/music by Donovan Leitch]
- A Funny Man (1.40)
- [poem by Natalie Joan/music by Donovan Leitch]
- Lord of the Reedy River (1.33)
- Henry Martin (5.08)
- [adapted and arranged by Donovan Leitch]
- Queen Mab (2.15)
- [poem by Thomas Hood/music arranged by Donovan Leitch]
- La Moora (2.20)
The record cover and spine list the album as HMS DONOVAN but the record label and inside cover list it as H.M.S. DONOVAN. I have chosen the latter because HMS is an abbreviation and is correctly punctuated with full stops.
The artwork for this album is amazing, second place only to the artwork for A Gift from a Flower to a Garden. (Once again, the art direction is by Sid Maurer). The album credits Patrick with the paintings (his signature appears on the bottom right hand side of the front cover and on the book Don is reading). Patrick's painting wraps around onto the back cover and the entire picture would make an excellent poster.
The front cover has a picture of Donovan dressed in a traditional sailor's outfit with an open book (presumably the old fashioned picture book mentioned in the song) on his lap. He's sitting in a garden and around him are various characters from the songs on the album: the walrus and the carpenter, the unicorn, a jar of stars (The Seller of Stars), a fairy in the grass (Things to Wear), Mr. Wind, Wynken, Blynken and Nod, what I think is meant to be the Jabberwock, a girl hugging a swan (Lord of the Reedy River), a baby falling asleep (La Moora), a boy holding a watch (Lost Time), a single star in the sky (The Star), a mermaid holding a baby (Celia of the Seals?), the owl and the pussycat and the moon (The Voyage of the Moon).
The songs that I don't think are represented are The Little White Road, Coulter's Candy, The Road, Homesickness, Fishes in Love, The Pee Song, Lord of the Dance, Little Ben, Can Ye Dance, The Song of Wandering Aengus, A Funny Man, Henry Martin and Queen Mab but I may have missed some.
On the inside cover is a picture of eight children running with cats, dogs and rabbits, with streamers and a bird trailing behind them. This is reflected down the spine to form a mirror image. The left side has two short poems by Donovan, where did we lose the way to do nothing? and once upon a tiny time.
Homesickness sounds out of place - an electric rocker on an otherwise mainly acoustic album. Maybe it's an out-take from previous sessions. The fact that it was produced by Mickie Most and Donovan lends support to this theory.
- on the record label:
- Fishes in Love is listed as FISHESEIN LOVE
- the poem Queen Mab is credited to Thomas Hoods
- on the record label, inside cover and in BMI's listing, The Owl and the Pussy-cat is listed The Owl and the Pussycat (see the song listing for Owl and the Pussy-cat, The)
- in the acknowledgements, Lord of the Dance is credited to Sidney Carter
- although the album credits state `All selections B.M.I. Donovan Music: Peer International', Lord of the Dance does not come within this publishing group - yes, I know, this is pretty picky!
- Fishes in Love is listed as FISHESEIN LOVE
- in the acknowledgements, several `child poets' are listed incorrectly: Lewis Carrol
- the poem Lost Time is credited to Ffrida Wolfe, but in BMI's listing, her name is spelt Frida Wolfe
- the poem Things to Wear is credited to Agnes Grozier Herbertson on the record label, inside cover, and in BMI's listing but in the acknowledgements her name appears as Agnes Grazier Herbertson
- the poem A Funny Man is credited to Natalie Joan on the record label, inside cover and BMI's listing but in the acknowledgements her name appears as Natalie Wood
- In an Old Fashioned Picture Book is listed on the inside cover as In an Old-fashioned Picture Book
- The Song of Wandering Aengus is listed on the record label as The Song of the Wandering Aengus
- The Seller of Stars, Lost Time, The Little White Road, The Road, Things to Wear and A Funny Man are from Herbert Strang's book One Hundred Poems for Children, published in 1925 by Clarendon Press, Oxford
- Lord of the Dance is from Songs of Sydney Carter in the Present Tense Book 2, published by Galliard Limited, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk
- The Song of Wandering Aengus is from The Collected Poems of W.B. Yeats, by permission of M.B. Yeats
Gatefold sleeve with poster
The record labels are light purple with black text. on my copy, the fourth side is more of a light pink. Whether this is a result of a careless collector leaving that side face up in the sun, I do not know
Dawn Records logo
First record: DNLD.4001-1
Side 1: DNLD.4001-A
runout groove on my copy: DNLD 4001A-1 *T and AF
Side 2: DNLD.4001-B
runout groove on my copy: DNLD 4001B-1 *T and AI
Second record: DNLD.4001-2
Side 3: DNLD.4001-C
runout groove on my copy: DNLD 4001C-1 *T and AF
Side 4: DNLD.4001-D
runout groove on my copy: DNLD 4001D-1 *T and AA
Cosmic Wheels
- Cosmic Wheels (4:02)
- Earth Sign Man (3:56)
- Sleep (3:48)
- Maria Magenta (2:12)
- Wild Witch Lady (4:27)
- The Music Makers (4:28)
- The Intergalactic Laxative (2:49)
- I Like You (5:18)
- Only The Blues (3:13)
- Appearances (3:44)
Live In Japan: Spring Tour 1973
- The Hurdy Gurdy Man {3.17}
- Only The Blues {3.20}
- Sadness {3.04}
- the time on the insert is {3.40}
- A Working Man {3.07}
- Your Broken Heart (3.42}
- The Universal Soldier {2.48}
- The Dignity of Man {4.45}
- Hey Gyp (Dig The Slowness) {2.26}
- Tinker Tune {2.47}
- Living For The Love Light {2.53}
- Josie {3.21}
- Sailing Homeward {3.23}
- The Ferryman's Daughter {2.38}
- Life Is A Merry Go Round {3.52}
Released in Japan only. First appearance of the George Harrison authored verse to Hurdy Gurdy Man. The cuts Tinker Tune, A Working Man and The Ferryman's Daughter are unique to Donovan's legal releases. Sound quality and performance is superb on these acoustic only tracks.
It's just Donovan with his guitar, but the echo effects of the stadium and the energy of the music, is just amazing. The record has always been quite rare and is now virtually impossible to find.
The cover has a photo of Don sitting cross legged with his half moon guitar, as does the inside of the gatefold cover. Inside, there are two inserts: one with Japanese and English lyrics, the other is a single sided sheet in Japanese with what liiks like an essay entitled "I DREAMED I SAW MR. D" and an interview that makes mention of H.M.S. Donovan a few times. There is a short message from Don on the lyric sheet - Dear Japaneasy friends.
Essence to Essence
territory: U.K.
release date: November/December? 1973
label: Epic Records
catalogue number(s):
chart info:
territory: U.S.
release date: December 1973 ???
label: Epic Records
catalogue number(s):
chart info:
duration: 42.24 ???
producer(s): Andrew Oldham and Donovan
comment: Donovan's 11th studio album
Side 1
- Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth (3.28)
- Lazy Daze (4.43)
- Life Goes on (2.37)
- There is an Ocean (4.49)
- Dignity of Man (Version II) (5.19)
- Yellow Star (3.07)
- Divine Daze of Deathless Delight (4.00)
- Boy for Every Girl (Version I) (4.15)
- Saint Valentine's Angel (3.57)
- Life is a Merry-go-round (Version II) (3.13)
- Sailing Homeward (Version II) (2.56)
The record cover is totally white except for the title (with the S's in Essence tilted forward) and a single picture of Donovan kneeling dressed in white robes. The inside of the album shows two more pictures of Donovan in different positions with a final one on the back cover. So if you progress from front to back it gives the impression of Donovan giving you a little bow.
On the back cover are the song titles and above Don's head are the first nine lines from Dignity of Man.
On the lyric sheet, the songs are listed in the following order: Yellow Star, Divine Daze of Deathless Delight, Dignity of Man, Sailing Homeward, Boy for Every Girl, Life is a Merry-go-round, Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth, There is an Ocean , Life Goes on, Lazy Daze, Saint Valentine's Angel. Is this the order that the songs were recorded in?
The cover art direction and design were by John Kosh and Donovan, with photographs created by Tony Evans. The last line on the insert is presumably a little message from Donovan: `Humble appreciation to all my brothers in music who played on these songs'.
- Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth is listed as Spaceship Earth on the record label
- Dignity of Man is listed as The Dignity of Man in the lyric insert
- Divine Daze of Deathless Delight is listed as The Divine Daze of Deathless Delight in the lyric insert
- Saint Valentine's Angel is listed as St. Valentine Angel on the record label
- the record label says that the album is produced by Andrew Oldham and Donovan but the lyric insert only lists Andrew Oldham
- Members of the `Pop Arts Strings and Horns' gathered together in one place by David Katz
- Private chef - Nigel Ford
Gatefold sleeve
Yellow label with black text
Epic Records logo
The record sleeve is titled The Inner Sleeve (UK POP1) and has an advert for Cosmic Wheels amongst albums by other artists like Johnny Nash, Scott Walker, Mott The Hoople and Al Stewart.
There is a one page insert of lyrics, session players information and production credits.
Record: S EPC 69050
Side 1: S EPC 69050 A
runout groove on my 1st copy: EPC A 69050 A1 and AL-32800 and STERLING RL and a tiny therefore sign (three dots)
runout groove on my 2nd copy: EPC A 69050 A2 and AL-32800 and STERLING RL and four tiny scratches in two pairs adjacent to each other and a tiny therefore sign (three dots)
Side 2: S EPC 69050 B
runout groove on my 1st copy: EPC S 69050 B2 and BL-32800 and STERLING RL and two tiny scratches; and a tiny therefore sign (three dots)
runout groove on my 2nd copy: EPC S 69050 B1 and BL-32800 and STERLING RL and four scratches in two pairs on different sides of the record
territory: U.K.
release date: January 1975
label: Epic Records
catalogue number(s):
chart info:
territory: U.S.
release date: November 1974 ???
label: Epic Records
catalogue number(s):
chart info:
duration: 41.48 ???
producer(s): Norbert Putnam (except Salvation Stomp, The Ordinary Family and The Great Song of the Sky - Donovan, Mark Radice and Norbert Putnam)
comment: Donovan's 12th studio album
Side 1
- Rock and Roll Souljer (3.44)
- Your Broken Heart (Version II) (3.38)
- Salvation Stomp (3.13)
- The Ordinary Family (4.14)
- Ride-a-mile (4.48)
- Sadness (Version II) (2.38)
- Moon Rok (2.58)
- Love of My Life (4.22)
- The Voice of Protest (3.20)
- How Silly (2.38)
- The Great Song of the Sky (2.45)
- The Quest (3.30)
The album title is a pun on `seventies'.
The front cover is a picture of Donovan wearing a fetching green spankly top, holding a girl (is it Linda?) on the edge of a castle. Donovan's logo appears in the top right hand side.
On the back is Donovan and two girls standing on a rocky terrain with the sun trying to burst through between them.
On the insert is a message from Donovan, This tale is for us all to see what were the Greater Thoughts and on the back of the album cover there's a little comment by him - This album was made in Nashville and showcases the talents of some of the .
There is a tiny dedication, presumably written by Donovan, after all the session information on the back of the album, that reads “Thanks To All Quads' Children.”
This album has not been re-issued on CD, so at the moment, the only tracks that are available on CD are Rock and Roll Souljer, Salvation Stomp and The Quest. The first and third are on Troubadour and the second is on Definitive Collection.
- the insert says that The Ordinary Family is assigned to Abkco Music, Inc. for U.K. but BMI's listing says it isn't
Yellow label with black text
Epic Records logo
The insert is a single yellow sheet, double-sided containing lyrics, lots of little photos and a message from Donovan.
Record: S EPC 69104
Side 1: S EPC 69104 A
runout groove on my copy: S.EPC.69104.A1 and CBS.S.69104.A1 (with the CBS.S. crossed out) and AL and a tiny therefore sign (three dots)
Side 2: S EPC 69104 B
runout groove on my copy: S.EPC.69104.B1 and CBS.S.69104.B1 (with the CBS crossed out) and AL and four scratches in two pairs on different sides of the record
Slow Down World
territory: U.K.
release date: 4th June 1976 ???
label: Epic Records
catalogue number(s):
chart info:
territory: U.S.
release date: May 1976 ???
label: Epic Records
catalogue number(s):
chart info:
duration: 39.21 ???
producer(s): Donovan
comment: Donovan's 13th studio album
Side 1
- Dark-eyed Blue Jean Angel (3.50)
- Cryin' Shame (4.29)
- The Mountain (3.32) [Derroll Adams]
- Children of the World (3.22)
- My Love is True (Love Song) (3.41) [Derroll Adams]
- A Well Known Has-been (7.25)
- Black Widow (5.44)
- Slow Down World (4.22)
- Liberation Rag (2.56)
The front cover shows a picture of Donovan dressed in long robers, leaning on a stick. Behind him is a green splurge and the planet Saturn. Above him is `Donovan' in green LCD writing and `Slow Down World' hand-written in an orange-brown colour, which also serves as the colour of the album's border.
The lyrics are listed in the same song order as the track listing, but A Well Known Has-been has been swapped around with Cryin' Shame. Maybe this was a last minute change-around and the back cover text was not corrected.
The photography is by Patrine Mitchum, with the cover prepared by (John?) Kosh under the art direction by Ron Coro.
After the lyrics there is a dedication: `to the queen of Venus' and the last line of text on the back cover is presumably a little message from Donovan: `Use this album before the next century'.
This album has not been re-issued on CD, so at the moment, the only track that is available on CD is Dark-eyed Blue Jean Angel on Troubadour.
- Dark-eyed Blue Jean Angel is listed as Dark Eyed Blue Jean Angel in the lyrics on the back of the U.K. LP
- the U.K. record label lists The Mountain as being composed by Donovan but the back of the LP says it is composed by Derroll Adams
- Musician contractor - Olivia Paige
- Silent supervisor and inspiration - Jim Keltner
- Personal assistants to the artist - Anthony Foutz and Stewart Lawrence
Yellow label with black text
Epic Records logo
Record: S EPC 86011
Side 1: S EPC 86011 A
runout groove on my copy: EPC.S.86011.A2 and EPC S 81371 A2 (crossed out) and a tiny therefore sign (three dots) and 1
(with the last two diametrically opposite each other)
Side 2: S EPC 86011 B
runout groove on my copy: EPC.S.86011.B2 and EPC S 81371 B2 (crossed out) and a tiny therefore sign (three dots) and four scratches in a line
(with the last two diametrically opposite each other)
Donovan (U.K. issue)
territory: U.K.
release date: October/November? 1977
label: Rak Records
catalogue number(s):
chart info:
producer(s): Mickie Most
comment: Donovan's 14th studio album
Side 1
- Brave New World
- Astral Angel
- Local Boy Chops Wood
- Kalifornia Kiddies
- The International Man
- The Light
- Sing my Song
- Lady of the Stars (Version I)
- Maya's Dance
- Dare to be Different
The front cover (designed and produced by Cream) is grey with a photograph of Donovan dressed in a white suit and white trousers, holding a hat in his hand in his lap. There is a plant in the background and a handwritten `Donovan' logo in black and white.
The back cover has a picture of Donovan and the band, a track listing for the album and some credits.
There are some more shots of Donovan interspersed throughout the lyrics on the inner sleeve for the record.
On the insert is presumably a little message from Donovan: `Special thanks to: My Lady of the Stars Stewart Lawrence, Jake Berry, Sandy and all at Sun Artistes.'
- Local Boy Chops Wood is listed in the lyrics as Local Boy Chops Wood (A Death in the Sixties)
- The International Man is listed on the record label as International Man
- Management and Direction Brian Lane and Alex Scott
Lyrics on inner bag
Sailing ship label with black text
Record: SRAK 528
Side 1: SRAK.528A
runout groove on my copy: SRAK 528 A-2 and GA and 2 (with the last two almost diametrically opposite each other)
Side 2: SRAK.528B
runout groove on my copy: SRAK 528 B-2 (with something scratched out before the 5) and L and 1 (with the last two almost diametrically opposite each other)
Donovan (U.S.)
- Local Boy Chops Wood {3.11}
- Astral Angel {4.37}
- The Light {4.12}
- Dare To Be Different {3.55}
- Brave New World {4.44}
- Lady of The Stars {3.02}
- International Man {4.02}
- Sing My Song {3.08}
- Maya's Dance {3.45}
- Kalifornia Kiddies {3.49}
- Shipwreck (3.30)
- Only To Be Expected (3.27)
- Comin' To You (3.30)
- No Hunger (2.44)
- Neutron (2.05)
- Mee Mee I Love You (2.45) [Donovan Leitch/Astrella Leitch]
- The Heights of Alma (3.45) [Trad. Arranged by D. P. Leitch]
- No Man's Land (5.23) [Eric Bogle]
- We Are one (3.52)
- Madrigalinda (2.47)
- Harmony (2.16)
Love Is only Feeling
- Lady of The Flowers (3.10)
- Lover O Lover (3.53)
- The Actor (4.05)
- Half Moon Bay (3.55)
- The Hills of Tuscany (4.08)
- Lay Down Lassie (4.15)
- She (4.01)
- Johnny Tuff (4.58)
- Love Is only Feeling (3.04)
- Marjorie Margerine (4.01)
Lady of The Stars
- Lady of The Stars
- I Love You Baby
- Bye, Bye Girl
- Every Reason
- Season of The Witch
- Boy For Every Girl
- Local Boy Chops Wood
- Sunshine Superman
- Living For The Love Light
- Till I See You Again
All they seem to have done is change the order of the tracks. But I haven't heard the original vinyl so can't be sure.
Sunshine Superman [Charly CDCD 1206 - r. 29th November 1994]
- Sunshine Superman (4:04)
- Season of The Witch (5:21)
- Lady of The Stars (4:34)
- I Love You Baby (3:26)
- Bye, Bye Girl (3:21)
- Every Reason (3:02)
- For Every Boy There Is A Girl (4:31)
- Local Boy Chops Wood (3:26)
- Living For The Love Light In Your Eyes (3:44)
- Till I See You Again (3:10)
- Till I See You Again (3.16)
- I Love You Baby (3.26)
- Bye Bye Girl (3.21)
- Sunshine Superman (4.07)
- Season of The Witch (5.18)
- Lady of The Stars (4.34)
- Every Reason (3.01)
- For Everybody There Is A Girl (4.37)
- Local Boy Chops Wood (3.28)
- Living For The Love Light In Your Eyes (3.47)
- Lady of The Stars
- I Love You Baby
- Bye, Bye Girl
- Every Reason
- Season of The Witch
- Boy For Every Girl
- listed as For Every Boy There Is A Girl
- Local Boy Chops Wood
- Sunshine Superman
- Living For The Love Light
- listed as Living For The Love Light In Your Eyes
- Till I See You Again
- Sunshine Superman (4:02)
- Season of The Witch (5:23)
- Living For The Love Light (3:42)
- listed as Living For The Love Light In Your Eyes
- Boy For Every Girl (4:35)
- listed as For Every Boy There Is A Girl
- Every Reason (3:01)
- Till I See You Again (3:14)
- listed as 'Till I See You Again
- Lady of The Stars (3:01)
- I Love You Baby (3:25)
- Local Boy Chops Wood (3:26)
- Bye, Bye Girl (3:22)
- listed as Bye Bye Girl
Donovan Rising / The Classics Live
- / Jennifer Juniper (2:25)
- | Catch The Wind (2:50)
- | Hurdy Gurdy Man (6:04)
- | Sunshine Superman (3:57)
- | Sadness (2:56)
- | Universal Soldier (2:49) [Buffy Sainte-Marie]
- | Cosmic Wheels (4:05)
- | Atlantis (3:06)
- | Wear Your Love Like Heaven (2:17)
- | To Susan on The West Coast Waiting (1:39)
- | Colours (2:29)
- | Young Girl Blues (5:01)
- | Young But Growing (3:41) [Trad. Arr. Donovan]
- | Stealing (4:10) [Trad. Arr. Donovan]
- | Sailing Homeward (3:04)
- | Love Will Find A Way (2:44)
- | Lale? (3:16)
- \ Make Your Mind Up (5:28)
Recorded by Pat (of Donovan's Friends). Mellow Records is his company which paid for recording Donovan over the years.
Hurdy Gurdy Man includes the extra George Harrison verse not recording in the original studio version. Young But Growing, Stealing and Love Will Find A Way are all previously unrecorded tracks.
This CD was released in the US with the title The Classics Live with a different cover, also shown here.
There are quite a few full price and budget releases of this title. Here are a few that I'm aware of:
- Greatest Hits [Tring GRF207] is missing the last track
- 25 Years In Concert [Holland: Dino Music DNCD 1253 / (S) - 1990] is the whole disc
- Donovan Live [German: Mastertone CD 10045 / (S) - 1995] is missing the last two songs
Troubadour: The Definitive Collection 1964-1976
Disc 1 (74:30) (M except * S)
- London Town (4:05) [Tim Hardin]
- previously unreleased demo
- Codine (4:47) [Buffy Sainte-Marie]
- previously unreleased demo
- Catch The Wind (Version II) (2:53)
- Universal Soldier (2:11) [Buffy Sainte-Marie]
- Colours (Version II) (2:43) *
- Sunshine Superman (3:13)
- Season of The Witch (4:55)
- The Trip (4:34)
- Guinevere (3:40)
- Breezes of Patchulie (4:33)
- previously unreleased
- Museum (Alternate Version) (2:50)
- previously unreleased version
- Super Lungs (3:15)
- previously unreleased version
- Mellow Yellow (3:40)
- Writer In The Sun (4:28)
- Sand and Foam (3:17)
- Sunny South Kensington (3:48)
- Epistle To Dippy (3:09)
- There Is A Mountain (2:33)
- Wear Your Love Like Heaven (2:24) *
- Oh Gosh (1:45) *
- The Tinker and The Crab (2:51) *
- Poor Cow (2:56)
- Hurdy Gurdy Man (3:13)
- Jennifer Juniper (2:39)
- Teen Angel (2:17) *
- Lale? (2:56) *
- To Susan on The West Coast Waiting (3:11)
- Atlantis (5:00)
- Barabajagal (3:18)
- Happiness Runs (3:24)
- Celia of The Seals (2:59)
- Riki Tiki Tavi (2:55)
- Clara Clairvoyant (2:50)
- Roots of Oak (5:05)
- Riki Tiki Tavi (4:42)
- previously unreleased version
- Maria Magenta (2:10)
- Cosmic Wheels (4:01)
- I Like You (4:33)
- Single Version
- Yellow Star (3:04)
- Rock and Roll Souljer (3:48)
- The Quest (3:30)
- Age of Treason (4:20)
- previously unreleased
- What The Soul Desires (2:33)
- previously unreleased
- Dark-Eyed Blue Jean Angel (3:46)
A Gift from a Flower to a Garden (BGO re-issue)
territory: U.K.
release date: June 1993 ???
label: Beat Goes on Records
catalogue number(s):
duration: 60:10 ???
producer(s): Mickie Most
comment: re-issue of Donovan's 5th studio album
Track Listing
- Wear Your Love Like Heaven (2:26)
- Mad John's Escape (2:16)
- Skip-a-long Sam (2:23)
- Sun (3:14)
- There was a Time (1:59)
- Oh Gosh (1:52)
- Little Boy in Corduroy (2:34)
- Under the Greenwood Tree (1:55)
- [words by William Shakespeare/music by Donovan Leitch]
- The Land of Doesn't Have to be (2:33)
- Someone Singing (2:44)
- Song of the Naturalist's Wife (2:52)
- The Enchanted Gypsy (3:19)
- Voyage into the Golden Screen (3:13)
- Isle of Islay (2:21)
- The Mandolin Man and his Secret (3:30)
- Lay of the Last Tinker (1:47)
- The Tinker and the Crab (2:52)
- Widow with Shawl (A Portrait) (2:59)
- The Lullaby of Spring (3:24)
- The Magpie (1:29)
- Starfish-on-the-toast (2:43)
- Epistle to Derroll (5:45)
(See also original release notes.)
The re-release of this album was a excellent idea but it strangely had to be left to re-issue label, Beat Goes on, to do the job.
The new artwork, created by CLE at St. Ives, Cambridgeshire is a good effort and they have tried to preserve the original flavour. Comparing the multi- coloured photographs of the original and this re-issue is a disappointment though. The CD booklet looks flat and dull. I suppose they were not prepared to put the money in for a `cult' release.
The liner notes are top notch. John Tobler conducted a new interview with Donovan about the album, as well as including a little piece about Don's rise to fame (read them here ). Donovan also adds a new scribbling to the package: A Message From Donovan.
The lyrics are also present in the booklet, as too are the original illustrations for the second album. However, the drawings cannot be truly appreciated at such a small size.
I would like to see another re-issue - a 3 CD box set with proper reproductions, mono and stereo versions of the album and another disc of out- takes.
- the back cover of the CD lists Someone Singing as Someone's Singing
- the Maharishi photo has the caption cropped off the original, presumably because the text could not be read when scaled down
Silver disc
The plastic tray on the original re-issue is opaque and the bit that shows through when the case is closed has vertical lines running down it. Later pressings didn't have this special tray - they just had the normal transparent one.
Matrix writings on my copy: DISCTRONICS and S BGOCD 194 01
(there is a 5 on the plastic inside of the disc)
One Night In Time
- One Night In Time [Donovan Leitch/Warwick Embury]
- Dear Heart
- You Got Me Reeling
- The Sensitive Kind [J.J. Cale]
- Runaway
- When All The World Is Young
- You Do Belong (Teenage Suicide)
- What's A Girl ...
- Forever Your Love
- There Are No Roads
- Please Don't Bend
- Give It All Up
- Sleep
- not a remake of the Cosmic Wheels track
- Everlasting Sea
- originally recorded as a The Hurdy Gurdy Man out-take
- High Your Love
- The Clear-Browed one
- The Way
- Deep Peace
- Nirvana
- Eldorado
- Be Mine
- Lady of The Lamp
- The Evernow
- Universe Am I
- composition dates from circa 1972
- The Garden
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