패스(PASS LABS) XP-22 프리앰프입니다.
패스의 최신 라인업 point 8 시리즈 파워앰프와 함께 완성된 XP 시리즈 프리앰프의 최신형 프리앰프입니다.
전원부와 본체를 독립시킨 2샤시 구성은 기존모델 XP-20과 같지만 확실한 전원부의 보강이 이루어졌으며, 상위모델 XP-30의 볼륨단, 레퍼런스급 XS 프리앰프의 아나로그회로가 적용되었습니다.
농밀한 중음역의 매력있는 사운드를 재현해 내는데 뛰어난 앰프로 정평이 있는 넬슨 패스의 사운드 철학이 고스란히 담겨져 있으며, 청명하고 아름다운 선율과 밀도높은 음상표현이 돋보이는 제품입니다.
정식수입 220볼트, 신품입니다.
판매가는 송료포함 1080만원이고 다른제품과 절충교환 가능합니다.-----------------전시품 1대 1000만원에 판매합니다.
광주지역 직거래 가능하고 전국택배 가능합니다.
XP-22 Preamplifier
Replacing the XP-20 Preamplifier that was introduced in 2008, the new XP-22 uses double-shielded, low-noise toroidal transformers in an external supply connected via aviation-grade circular connectors using silver over oxygen-free copper. The power supply is dual mono, with two transformers offering lower radiated and mechanical noise. Noise is the most prominent part of THD+N at low levels, so by lowering noise we get better resolution and dynamics.
The gain circuitry continues to use our favorite transistors from Toshiba but has a larger, higher-biased output stage like the Xs Preamp, and includes auto bias. The larger output stage makes longer and multiple cable runs easier to drive and gives us the advantage of simplifying our single-ended output circuitry while increasing performance.
The volume control is a single stage instead of two stages and has more range; it is quieter and more accurate. This is the same volume control that's used in the XP-30.
Overall this makes for a quieter, more neutral, musical and versatile control center for your system. Suggested Retail Price: $9,500.
The XP-22 measures spectacularly well--but it really stands out sonically.
XP-22 Specifications:
Power consumption 40 watts
Gain 9.6dB Balanced, 3dB single-ended
Output Impedance: 25 Ohms RCA, 50 Ohms XLR
Input Impedance: 22K Ohms
Frequency response: +/- 0.05 dB 10Hz to 20KHz, -2dB @ 150KHz
Crosstalk > 100dB
THD < 0.001 @ 1V 1Khz
Max out 33V RMS 0.1%
Residual Noise 2uV RMS, SN -125dB ref max out
Dimensions: 17"w x 12.5"d x 4"h each chassis
Weight: 55LBS
패스의 최신 라인업 point 8 시리즈 파워앰프와 함께 완성된 XP 시리즈 프리앰프의 최신형 프리앰프입니다.
전원부와 본체를 독립시킨 2샤시 구성은 기존모델 XP-20과 같지만 확실한 전원부의 보강이 이루어졌으며, 상위모델 XP-30의 볼륨단, 레퍼런스급 XS 프리앰프의 아나로그회로가 적용되었습니다.
농밀한 중음역의 매력있는 사운드를 재현해 내는데 뛰어난 앰프로 정평이 있는 넬슨 패스의 사운드 철학이 고스란히 담겨져 있으며, 청명하고 아름다운 선율과 밀도높은 음상표현이 돋보이는 제품입니다.
정식수입 220볼트, 신품입니다.
판매가는 송료포함 1080만원이고 다른제품과 절충교환 가능합니다.-----------------전시품 1대 1000만원에 판매합니다.
광주지역 직거래 가능하고 전국택배 가능합니다.
XP-22 Preamplifier
Replacing the XP-20 Preamplifier that was introduced in 2008, the new XP-22 uses double-shielded, low-noise toroidal transformers in an external supply connected via aviation-grade circular connectors using silver over oxygen-free copper. The power supply is dual mono, with two transformers offering lower radiated and mechanical noise. Noise is the most prominent part of THD+N at low levels, so by lowering noise we get better resolution and dynamics.
The gain circuitry continues to use our favorite transistors from Toshiba but has a larger, higher-biased output stage like the Xs Preamp, and includes auto bias. The larger output stage makes longer and multiple cable runs easier to drive and gives us the advantage of simplifying our single-ended output circuitry while increasing performance.
The volume control is a single stage instead of two stages and has more range; it is quieter and more accurate. This is the same volume control that's used in the XP-30.
Overall this makes for a quieter, more neutral, musical and versatile control center for your system. Suggested Retail Price: $9,500.
The XP-22 measures spectacularly well--but it really stands out sonically.
XP-22 Specifications:
Power consumption 40 watts
Gain 9.6dB Balanced, 3dB single-ended
Output Impedance: 25 Ohms RCA, 50 Ohms XLR
Input Impedance: 22K Ohms
Frequency response: +/- 0.05 dB 10Hz to 20KHz, -2dB @ 150KHz
Crosstalk > 100dB
THD < 0.001 @ 1V 1Khz
Max out 33V RMS 0.1%
Residual Noise 2uV RMS, SN -125dB ref max out
Dimensions: 17"w x 12.5"d x 4"h each chassis
Weight: 55LBS
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